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Intermediate Proofer
Technical Information

It enables the dough pieces to rest coming from the rounder before giving the final shape. It also functions as a bridge between dough rounder and long moulder while decreasing the cost of labour. Photocell system used in PMN series intermediate proofers enable just in time fall to the pockets. After each tour dough piece is transferred to next cup Thanks to double direction router, machine can be used with right or left inlet as the machine works only when the photocell sees the dough, proofing time is longer than standard machines. Cornered cups enable it to operate between 50 gr to 1.000 gr. It has 280 cups that comply with health regulations. There is no need for any hand tool to unfix or fix the cups, it can be easily washed and fixed to its housing. Inlet and outlet of the machine can be teflon coated as an option. There is no need to move the machine thanks to the tray just located under the machine. Divider, rounder and long moulder can be connected to its 3 phase 3 plug electric panel. Hence, all the dough preparation line can be started or stopped with just one button.

I - 1 to 4, 1st Floor, Plot no. 20,
      Hansraj Damodar Wadi,
      Off Kennedy Bridge, Opera House,
      Mumbai - 400 004. Maharashtra.
+9122 3179 3785 / +91 98200 80641
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